臨床腦智心培訓服務 Clinical Neuropsychology Service

When Do I need Consultation?
Do you have any doubt regarding your / your child’s risk for any brain disorders (e.g., ASD, ADHD, Dyslexia, Dementia, Amnesia)?
Is your child / are you being diagnosed with any brain disorders but still demonstrates significant cognitive, behavioural or social problems and you are not certain how to help your child / yourself?
Does your child / do you display some cognitive, learning, or behavioural problems with unknown reasons?
If you are experiencing the above situations and do not know how to proceed to help your child / yourself, you may consider seeking for our professional recommendation by meeting our director (Prof. Agnes Chan) or our clinical psychologist (Dr. Sophia Sze) through an individual consultation session or a group consultation session. We would provide professional advice on how to help you or your child and a thorough explanation about our assessment and training services.