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臨床腦智心培訓服務 Clinical Neuropsychology Service

What We Do
Self-Administered Screening
For Children with Possible Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)
Parents, who suspect their children may have ASD or tendency of such features, may firstly complete the following age-specific self-administered screening. These free self-administered questionnaires are developed and well-supported by scientific evidence that they are sensitive to clinical features of children with ASD. Result of the self-screening can provide a general impression of a child's potential risk for ASD. However, it should be noted that none of them are diagnostic per se. Formal diagnosis is warranted through a thorough clinical assessment by health care professionals, such as clinical psychologist, pediatrician, or psychiatrist.
If your child is at 16 to 30 months old
You may complete the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, Revised with Follow-Up (M-CHAT-R/F; Robins, Fein, & Barton, 2009) which is a two-stage parent-report screening tool to identify children aged 16 to 30 months of age who should receive a more thorough assessment for possible early signs of ASD or developmental delay.
If your child is at 7 to 48 months old
You may evaluate your child's behaviours based on the Autism Early Detection Kit (AEDK) created by the Autism Spectrum Disorder Foundation. It includes a developmental milestones checklist for parents to assess if the characteristics of their young children aged 7 to 48 months signal the presence of ASD.
If your child is at 4 to 11 years old
You may attempt the child version of Autism Spectrum Quotient -- 10 items (AQ-10; Allison, Auyeung, & Baron-Cohen, 2012) developed by the Autism Research Centre, University of Cambridge. It is a quick and sensitive screening tool to identify children aged 4 to 11 years who have potential risk for ASD based on 10 items.
For Children with Possible Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD)
To be announced.
Formal Diagnostic Assessment
A formal diagnostic assessment will be completed in a 1.5- to 3-hour session with the purpose of confirming the diagnosis of children suspected of having SEN (ASD, ADHD, ADD, SLD) or being gifted.
Children who are suspected of having SEN and have already received formal intellectual functioning assessment within one year can be exempted from another intelligence assessment. Otherwise, children are recommended for a combined assessment for diagnosis of SEN and intellectual functioning. Children who are suspected of being gifted can consider receiving intellectual functioning assessment.
The assessment will be conducted by our experienced clinical psychologists with the help of well-trained psychological assistant. Written clinical assessment report (in English) will be provided by our clinical psychologists. Results of the assessment and recommendations will be explained to the parents in a 30-minute feedback session.
Intellectual Functioning Assessment: $5,000
Diagnostic Assessment: $5,000 - $7,000
Diagnostic Assessment + Intellectual Functioning Assessment: $7,500 - $9,500
Comprehensive Neuropsychological Assessment
A comprehensive neuropsychological assessment will be conducted usually in two separate sessions for a total of 5 to 8 hours. This assessment will evaluate various cognitive functions (including attention, memory, language, motor skills, and executive functions) and psychological condition of the child through a battery of neuropsychological tests and a detailed clinical interview with the child and his/her caregiver(s). The purpose of such assessment is to formulate diagnosis as well as to assess the relative strengths and weaknesses of the child for designing a tailor-made intervention plan to enhance the child's cognition and improve his/her behavioural problems.
The assessment will be conducted by our experienced clinical psychologists with the help of well-trained psychological assistant. Written clinical assessment report (in English) will be provided by our clinical psychologists. Results of the assessment and recommendations will be explained to the parents in a 30-minute feedback session.
Comprehensive Neuropsychological Assessment: $12,000
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